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Peanuts (4)

Honig Cashews & Erdnüsse Mix

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Gesalzen & Geräuchert Mix

33 Bewertungen

Schwarzer Pfeffer gemischte Nüsse

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Scharfe Chili-Mischung

3 Bewertungen

What are the health benefits of peanuts?

Peanuts have an excellent nutritional profile. They are a good source of protein, fiber, and many essential plant-based vitamins and minerals. They also called groundnut. Raw peanuts, roasted, salted, peanut butter, and chocolate-coated peanuts are all available. Different forms have different nutritional profiles and health benefits. Peanuts are a calorie-dense snack with a balanced nutritional profile, so they are best consumed in moderation. Do you ever wonder what would happen if you ate peanuts every day? Is it safe to eat peanuts every day? Researchers discovered that eating peanuts every day benefits your heart's health. If you buy peanuts to eat every day, you'll get more than 30 basic proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients! According to one study, eating 46 g of peanuts or peanut butter per day may improve heart health in people with diabetes.

Healthy Fats

An essential part of any diet is fatty acids. Most of the fats in peanuts, which are a good form of fat, are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The intake of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated and trans fats can improve the blood cholesterol levels of the person, according to the... Read More