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The Truth About Almonds and Blood Sugar: Fact or Fiction?

on July 04, 2022

Over 3.8 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and an additional million people may have the condition but are unaware of it (Diabetes UK, 2019 Facts and Stats). This is equivalent to about 8.9% of the population of the UK.

Have you ever wondered if almonds are good for diabetes? You're not alone. The internet is full of conflicting information about this popular snack food, and it can be confusing to know what's true. Here's the truth about almonds' effect on blood sugar levels:  


                Almonds For Diabetes In the United Kingdom

Almonds have a moderate glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load.

The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. Foods with low GI values raise blood sugar slowly, while those with high GI values raise it more rapidly.

The GI of almonds is 35; this means that almonds take longer to digest than foods like white bread, which has a GI value of 71. Almonds also have a relatively low glycemic load (GL), meaning that they don't cause spikes in blood sugar levels as dramatically as some other foods do. An average serving of almonds contains 12 grams of fibre and 5 grams of protein; these nutrients help slow down the digestion process by forming bulkier food particles that are digested more slowly than simple carbohydrates such as sugar or flour would be

The fibre in almonds may help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Fibre is a carbohydrate that your body can't digest. It passes through your digestive system without being absorbed, so it doesn't cause blood sugar spikes. The soluble fibre in almonds slows the absorption of carbohydrates, helping keep you full longer and preventing blood sugar spikes, which can lead to insulin resistance or Type II diabetes. Soluble fibres also help lower cholesterol by binding with bile acids and removing them from your body (along with excess fat), keeping your heart healthy as well as promoting regular bowel movements. Additionally, they lower high blood pressure by reducing sodium reabsorption within the kidneys and preventing constipation by absorbing liquid in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to lowering cholesterol and preventing diverticulosis (a disease that causes small sacs called diverticula to form in the colon), fibre may also be linked to the prevention of haemorrhoids due to its ability to increase stool bulkiness leading to easier passage through narrow anal sphincters.


Diabetics may benefit from snacking on almonds.

Experts recommend that diabetics substitute one or two servings of healthy carbohydrates per day for unsaturated fats. Almonds are high in both protein and fibre, which makes them a great option to balance out your diet. Almonds are also low in sodium (which can cause blood pressure and heart problems) as well as cholesterol; this may be especially important if you’re at risk for heart disease or have recently had a stroke.


Almonds increase HDL cholesterol, which is beneficial for diabetics.

A study published: HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is the “good” cholesterol. It helps remove excess cholesterol from the body, thus preventing plaque build-up in your arteries. HDL also carries fat and other substances to the liver, where they are broken down so that they do not accumulate in your blood vessels. In addition to helping prevent heart disease and strokes, HDL can lower blood pressure and increase insulin sensitivity, both of which help reduce diabetes risk factors like high blood sugar levels or high blood pressure (Hypertension).


Some diabetics might have trouble digesting almonds.

  • If you are diabetic, you may want to avoid almonds. Some diabetics might have trouble digesting almonds. If you are sensitive to sugar or fat, or if your pancreas is not working properly, it could be difficult for your body to process the nuts.
  • Almonds can cause digestive issues in some people with celiac disease. Those who suffer from celiac disease have an autoimmune response when they ingest gluten-containing foods that damage their small intestine and prevent them from absorbing nutrients properly. Almonds contain a protein called prolamin, which contains gluten—the stuff that makes bread rise and gives pasta its texture. That means those who have celiac disease should avoid eating almonds because they're likely to experience stomach pains after eating them.


Although almonds may not be a "superfood," they still have benefits for people with diabetes.

Almonds can be a great snack for people with diabetes. Almonds are high in protein and fibre, which help control blood sugar levels. They're low in sugar and fat, so they don't raise your blood sugar as much as other foods do. Almonds are also good sources of magnesium and vitamin E, which can help prevent heart disease.

Almonds contain monounsaturated fats that protect against belly fat gain; this may be important because belly fat is linked to insulin resistance and an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes. Additionally, almonds contain polyphenols such as quercetin (found in green tea), catechins (found in green tea) and ellagic acid (found on raspberries), all of which have antioxidant properties that can protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.*

But remember: You should still eat them sparingly! One serving size is 10 nuts or two tablespoons of nut butter per day—that's all the calories you need if you're eating 1,500 calories per day or less. If you have high cholesterol levels or heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure or triglycerides—or if you're overweight—don't exceed three servings a week because these health benefits might be outweighed by the risks associated with consuming too many saturated fats from almonds over time.


How Can I Buy Almonds Online in the UK?

Almonds come in a variety of flavours to make adding them to your normal diet simpler. You can eat them raw or blanched. Additionally, we provide lemon almonds, which are sour and tasty almond nibbles. Exceptionally tasty and flavorful. honey roasted almonds, white chocolate caramel almonds, and chocolate toffee almonds are all options if you enjoy sweet nibbles. Additionally, you can purchase the varieties of almond snacks you choose from our online store.



All in all, almonds may not be a "superfood," but they're still an excellent snack for people with diabetes. The fibre in almonds can help stabilize blood sugar levels and the healthy fat content makes them filling and satisfying. Diabetics should also make sure to monitor their consumption of nuts because they contain lots of protein and calories—just keep this in mind when planning your diet around these tasty treats!



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